In preparing for the publishing of a sensitive story about a micropreemie, we decided early on in the process that we wanted to try to take some of the burden of explaining the science out of this very moving story. Let the story tell the very human side of the amazing struggle.

The first of the two graphics focuses on the extraordinary challenges and odds facing extraordinary preemies. Micro or extreme preemies are born before 26 weeks of a pregnancy weighing less than 2 pounds, nowhere near physically ready to leave the support and protection of the womb. Parents and doctors are confronted with overwhelming odds in trying to make critical decisions about the fate of these babies.

We hope that by creating this shareable graphic, we could both explain, synthesize and visualize some of the monumental odds faced in this fight for survival as well as help share the amazing story — Never let go by Kelley Benham — that they accompany. Click to view the and share this graphic  on